To find out how well John's Blend travels John Glaetzer decided to put his wine to the ultimate test. He sent one of his daughters on a mission:

"Take these bottles to all corners of the world and do not return until they have gone to the extremes."
So off his daughter went and the wine was taken (and survived) treks through mosquito-infested jungles and packed on top of buses across freezing salt plains. It travelled for days down rivers in a dugout canoe, was inspected by a bobby at Windsor Castle and approved by monkeys in the amazon rainforest.

Most bottles were sacrificed and enjoyed by people of all cultures along the way. The comment by Alpheus, the great creole man from Belize, says it all after he had tasted John's Blend:
"Long life to your father!"
"One bottle made it all the way back to Australia. By this time it had travelled more than 60,000 km across 3 continents and had crossed the equator 6 times. It was a real challenge to taste this bottle which had spent 10 years overseas, against one of the same vintage from my own cellar....
"What a Tasting!!!!"
The well travelled wine won the "Shaken not Stirred Award". Seriously, the John's Blend ex cellar was slightly crusted but still fresh and silky smooth. the travelled wine showed no crust but still had a silky smooth and soft palate, possible not quite as fresh on the nose, however a delightful red.